Dreaming of Home Ownership? Read our Guide to Canada’s First Home Savings Account

Dreaming of Home Ownership? Read our Guide to Canada’s First Home Savings Account

Hiding indoors in these cold winter months can give us plenty of time to think about where we wish we were living. Maybe you’re daydreaming about moving to a warmer climate, but more likely you’re aspiring to own your first home right here in Canada.

Home ownership is a significant milestone for many Canadians, but it can feel like an insurmountable goal to achieve. Prospective homeowners often face the challenge of saving for a down payment while juggling other significant financial commitments. Keep reading to find out about a tax-free way to help make your dream a reality.

The Canadian government introduced the First Home Savings Account (FHSA) specifically to give a helping hand to first-time homeowners. In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the FHSA program and give you actionable tips to start saving.

At MMT Chartered Professional Accountants, we’re always dedicated to helping you navigate the complex financial landscape. Together, we can position you to reach your home ownership goals faster, with a little help from the FHSA.

Understanding How the FHSA Works

The FHSA is a registered plan designed to help buyers in the market for their first home, offering a unique opportunity to save while enjoying tax benefits. Here’s a breakdown of the key details:


To qualify for the FHSA program, you must be considered a first-time home buyer for tax purposes. This means you haven’t owned a home in the four years preceding your home purchase. Additionally, you must be a resident of Canada between the ages of 18 and 71 years. You can read more about specific eligibility requirements here.

Opening an Account

If you’re eligible to open an FHSA account, you can do so through any FHSA issuer, like a bank, credit union, or trust or insurance company. You’ll be required to provide your social insurance number, date of birth, and any supporting documents certifying your eligibility.

Tax Incentives

Contributions to your FHSA may be deductible from your income tax, giving significant advantage to first-time buyers who are saving for a home.

Contribution Limits 

Contribution limits also apply, both yearly and over a lifetime. Generally, you’ll be able to save $8000 per year, with unused amounts carried over to the next year, subject to a lifetime FHSA limit of $40,000.

Transferring Funds 

You can also transfer funds into your FHSA tax-free but direct transfers can only be made from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or other FHSAs. These direct transfers may reduce the amount you can deduct from your income tax, and you will be required to repay these funds within a specific time frame in order to maintain the tax-free benefits.

Repayment Schedule

As mentioned earlier, the amount withdrawn from your RRSP must be repaid within 15 years. The repayment period begins in the second year following the withdrawal. Each year, you are required to repay at least one-fifteenth of the total amount withdrawn until the entire sum is repaid.

Tips to Maximize Your Savings

The First Home Savings Account is intended to make it easier for first-time buyers to purchase a home, but it’s no secret that the real estate market in Canada can still be challenging. Now that we’ve covered the basics of the FHSA program, you’ll be better positioned to put this strategy to work in your financial planning. Still, it might not be enough to focus only on the FHSA if you want to realize your home ownership dreams.

We have a few other actionable tips that can help you to maximize the benefits of the FHSA and make it easier to reach your homeownership goals faster. Here’s what we recommend:

Start Early, Save Regularly

When it comes to saving for your first home, just like for any large purchase, early planning is key. The earlier you begin contributing to your FHSA or RRSP, the more time your investments have to grow. Establish a monthly savings routine and consider automating your contributions to ensure consistent saving. It’s the idea of paying yourself first, where a portion of your earnings is automatically diverted towards your savings and investments.

Leverage Spousal RRSPs

If your partner is also a first-time home buyer, take advantage of their RRSP contributions. By strategically utilizing both your RRSPs, you can potentially double your down payment savings through the FHSA program. Consulting with one of our experienced accountants can help you to determine the most effective approach for your unique situation.

Create a Realistic Budget

Setting a realistic budget is essential for achieving your homeownership goals. Consider working with a financial advisor to create a comprehensive budget that accounts for all your expenses and includes a dedicated savings plan for your first home. Having clear goals can keep you motivated to adhere to your budget as you watch your savings grow.

Explore Investment Options

While your RRSP is a great vehicle for FHSA contributions, you should also explore other investment options that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. Diversify your portfolio to optimize returns and minimize risk. A diversified portfolio can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment vehicles.

Monitor the Housing Market

Stay informed about the housing market in your desired location. Understanding market trends, interest rates, and housing prices can help you make informed decisions about the timing of your home purchase.

Be Prepared for Homeownership Costs

While the FHSA program can significantly reduce the financial burden of purchasing your first home, it’s essential to be prepared for additional homeownership costs. These costs may include property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities. Incorporate these expenses into your budget to avoid financial surprises.

Stay Committed to Repayment

Once you’ve withdrawn funds from your RRSP for the FHSA, commit to repaying the amount on schedule. Missing repayments can result in tax consequences and hinder your long-term financial goals. Consider setting up automatic RRSP contributions to ensure timely repayments.

Seek Pre-Approval for a Mortgage

Before actively searching for a home, seek pre-approval for a mortgage. Pre-approval provides a clear understanding of your budget, making it easier to narrow down your housing options and negotiate effectively with sellers.

Be Patient and Flexible

The journey to homeownership may require time and flexibility. Be patient and willing to adjust your plans as needed to accommodate changes in your financial situation or the housing market.

Consult with our Chartered Professional Accountants

Navigating the FHSA program and managing your finances can be complex. Enlisting the expertise of one of our compassionate, highly skilled chartered professional accountants can provide you with valuable insights and guidance. We can help you optimize your financial strategy, ensure compliance with tax regulations, and offer tailored advice based on your unique circumstances.

Canada’s First Home Savings Account presents a valuable opportunity for aspiring homeowners to save and invest in their future homes. By following these actionable tips and working with financial professionals like the team at MMT Chartered Professional Accountants, you’ll be ready to navigate the path to homeownership with confidence and clarity. 

We’re here to support you in achieving your homeownership dreams, so feel free to reach out for personalized guidance and expert advice. Your dream home may be closer than you think!

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